Screening Tools

Many screening tools are available. The Screening to Brief Intervention (S2B1) and the CRAFFT screeners are highly recommended because they collect information about both alcohol and drug use; are available for free; have strong research support; can be completed quickly; and are easy to use. They can be conducted by an interviewer, or self-administered by adolescents using either pencil and paper, computers, or tablets. Both screeners have publicly available websites that providers can refer to for guidance and practical tips on how to use them to initiate productive conversations about substance use with adolescents.

Many additional screening tools are available, including the AUDIT, BSTAD, GAIN, DAST, and CHISPA. Each screening tool has their own pros and cons and a program will need to decide which screening tool is best for their agency. It is also important to consider which substances are being used by the adolescents in your community – and to make note of regional terms.